Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

My academic colleague Dr. John Prescott at the Katz Graduate School of Business has been spearheading a CI Foundation project I initiated and authorized some years ago while President of SCIP to generate a body of knowledge for the field of CI. Anyone who has read my writing through the years know that I support this as one of the key underlying actions any field needs to perform on its way to becoming a profession.

Academics might find the new CI Body of Knowledge framework worthwhile to tie into your courses. Practitioners may find it valuable as a way to develop better job descriptions or in developing criteria for hiring or training their practitioners. It can found at the following wiki web-site:

Eventually, this BOK framework is expected to help guide the development of programs and courses in certifying CI professionals. It will be up to academics like the ones in this group to a) help ensure that the BOK is robust, updated and enhanced over time as well as b) to develop and deliver courses or subjects that helps provide practitioners with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in the field. The wiki allows for comment and your participation, so please do feel free to interact with th BOK as well as its project leaders. Let us know what you think!

Cheers, Craig

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John Prescott has put out the word that the BOK Survey is closing soon and anyone interested in the CI discipline is encouraged to help make the survey results as complete as possible. Please help out - here's the link:

Thanks in advance,

- Arik
I have completed and await eagerly on what the meaning is for the discipline and what's next. Thanks in advance
Me too.Patience is a virtue... and I've grown greyer while hoping this would become a reality. I'm reminded though that age is a matter of mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it doesn't matter.


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