Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

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For CI professionals Alain Juillet's contribution means more than we see at . First, they don't miss the opportunity to click on the link ( ); next, inspired by the words "Alain Juillet, premier haut responsable chargé de l'intelligence économique au Secrétariat général de la défense national française", they find him at . For me, collecting now especially information on Principles of availability to information - threatens and shortcomings ( ) in order to start the discussion More than information security (in Polish: Więcej niż bezpieczeństwo przemysłowe), the most interesting seems to be the part The role of the State ( ). And which part is the most interesting for you?
Vivek Raghuvanshi incited me today ( ) to go along the path M4: Contre-Intelligence Economique - Enseignements - EISTI - MASTERES SPECIALISES ["les réseaux de défense des entreprises: le CDEE (Club de défense économique de l’ entreprise)..." ( )] > L'INTELLIGENCE ÉCONOMIQUE EN FRANCE: ÉTAT DES LIEUX 2008 ET ÉBAUCHE D'ÉVOLUTION. By Claude DELESSE. Pôle de recherche Décision, Management & Performance CEREBEM, Centre de Recherche de BEM N° 125-08, octobre 2008, p. 23 (,%20de... ) and to add here the following piece of information.

CDEE Association. Club de Défense Economique de l’entreprise.
Créée en 1995, il regroupe les responsables sécurité - sûreté d'une trentaine de sociétés, organismes privés et publics significatifs de l'activité économique ainsi que les représentants désignés des administrations concernées par les problèmes de sécurité telles que la gendarmerie nationale, le ministère de l'Intérieur, les Douanes et l'Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Sécurité Intérieure. Il favorise en son sein «les échanges d'expériences, de savoir-faire et d'idées dans les différents domaines de la sécurité conduisant à une approche globale de la sécurité de l'entreprise : gestion des menaces, des risques industriels, économiques ainsi que des systèmes d'information». Il est membre fondateur avec la Direction générale de la Gendarmerie (DGGN) et l’Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne de l’IERSE Institut d’études et de recherche pour la sécurité des entreprises. Cet Institut dispense une formation de haut niveau, d’ordre théorique et pratique allant de la sureté des installations à l’intelligence économique, cela en collaboration avec l'Université. Il développe des recherches en matière de sûreté des entreprises et de sécurité globale, participe à la politique publique d’intelligence et de sécurité économiques

Have you any doubt else about strict connections between state security services and private enterprise in France?
Dear Sir,

It is about Economic Supremacy of Nations.

So we undertake Competitive Intelligence to help Corporations. Private corporations right.

But these private corporations belong to countries.

Remember Barriers to Entry in Porter's 5 Force Analysis?

M. Alain Juilett is right and we must appreciate his wisdom.

The whole world excluding certain countries like India have PPP model

Private Public Partnership exists in Germany, France, Japan, etc.

So what is wrong with it?

Nobody stops your country Sir, from going in for PPP model.

I fully agree and support M. Alain Juilett.
Cold War is over!

It is an era of Globalisation.

In Democracy, companies grow into Multinationals and then into Global Corporations

The whole world is a Market for Corporations. The whole world is a Customer to your products and services.

So if Private-Public partnership exists, I do not see any problem.

What do High Commissions and Embassies do around the world?

Snoop is it? No. [ COLD WAR IS OVER ]

It is to promote economic interests.

Political Ideology is related to Economic Ideology and Religious Ideology

This is why we have Consumer Behaviour. - Subject

What is the problem in OSINT? So what if France has PPP model.

What is the problem in learning languages. The more languages you know, the better for you.

Let us understand Globalisation in its true perspective

It is called " Survival of the Fittest" - Charles Darwin.
To understand PPP model, one has to understand IDEOLOGY

1. Nationalism is a Ideology
2. Democracy is a Ideology

So a PPP model means that you will further the Economic interest of your country's businesses. It is called Nationalism.

So what if certain countries have PPP model.

Globalisation is good.

Who benefits, ie the common man.

Who is really threatened - incompetent organisations.

So if some organisation offers you superior quality at a lower cost. Nothing is wrong.

We call it Low Cost Strategy option.

Nobody stops you from doing Value Chain Analysis and becoming Competitive.

Competitive Advantage is the name of the game.

France and others use OSINT. So whats wrong in a PPP model.

Do countries not have the right to dream about Economic Supremacy.

We must appreciate PPP models.

The days of Military Supremacy are gone.

Cold War is over.

This in an era of Globalisation which we call Economic supremacy.

Innovate or Perish and it is called Survival of the Fittest.

We as Competitive Intelligence professionals should LOVE competition.

The more fierce it gets, the better you perform.
Has that case ( ) proved additionally those "strict connections between state security services and private enterprise in France"?


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