Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

This week takes place the European SCIP Summit in Barcelona.

I would like to know who is going to have the change to meet you there.



Eliana Benjumeda.

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How goes the conference Eliana? Any highlights?
Hi Arik,

Back from Barcelona, I'm glad to say that I enjoyed very much this conference.There were very good sessions and we had more time for networking, which it was great. I had the opportunity to meet great professionals and learn about interesting initiatives. The next Europan Summit will be in Viena. I am looking forward for it.
Wonderful Eliana - glad to hear it was a big success - looking forward to Vienna already ;-)
Hi Eliana,
I was at this summit, I think I didn't have the opportunity to met you (too many people !?).
I can say that it was my first participation and that I enjoyed it.
One week later, what about sharing about lessons learned and/or feedback on your daily application ?


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