Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Our topic on today's call was... well, brainstorming topics for future calls - with at least a couple coming out for next time that met with broad approval - since SCIP 2010 is the week after next perhaps August would agree to chat about the program a little (being chairman of the program committee and all).

I'd earlier nominated August to lead a Google Wave tutorial, which is also still highly anticipated, but he's traveling today unfortunately - so maybe there's room for two 30-minute topics before SCIP hits the following week? What say you 8of12? Double-header, prefer to do these separately, suggest something else? (Sorry to put you on the spot August ;-) and happy birthday on Saturday by the way.)

In other news, we had some very good suggestions that came out, one highlight included running a separate Google Wave for each teleconference, which should clean up the wave environment considerably (I'm still struggling with how to delete things). Likewise, general consensus that the 9:00 AM Eastern time slot, while better for those outside North America than 1:00 PM EST, could still be improved upon by splitting the difference at 10:30 Eastern for 60 minutes. We'll test this out next week with apologies to our friends in the PacRim; incidentally, I did hear from many who said the earlier time is a deal-breaker, so maybe this is something of a compromise we can settle on for the time being? Let's hope so.

With that, please share any and all topics you would like to offer up for future Friday teleconferences and if you have a suggested guest speaker that's even better. I'll share a couple ideas in comments to this post which were telegraphed to me privately and if the originator wants to claim and clarify please go ahead.

Happy weekend all,

- Arik

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Verbatim from a good friend of mine here:

One of the topics I would like to see discussed is whether the questions from the corporate decision makers are changing, given the new uncertainties about the global economy. If so, what are the new questions, and which of the old ones are no longer relevant?

Please claim if you like or discuss away.
Wikis for industry/company profiling and building a decentralized wiki for the competitive intelligence lexicon.
I recently launched a CI Wiki at The first hurdle is that a wiki is not a solo project. folks have to log in and contribute. There was an article in the Jan/Feb, 2008 issue of CI Magazine about Haifa University (by Dr. Daphne Raban). She had assigned the graduate students to write articles and contribute them to her CI Wiki (In Hebrew). The result was very rapid filling of the database.

Dr. Raban's objective was to produce a public domain CI Textbook. It was at 94 chapters and sections as of early 2008. My initial talks with Dr. Raban indicate her university would probably be willing to do a "machine" translation from Hebrew to English and then to host the wiki. If this works out, we will be needing experienced commenters to fill the gap between machine translation and regular "English".

Another potential use for a wiki is to accumulate the viral, tribal knowledge that is acquired in most corporations: Competitor Info, industry trends, government data reporting, technology assessments. It's one of the most collaborative technologies we have for reporting and collecting info.
Hi August

I can handle either time provided I know in advance by a week or two so I don't schedule large meetings that can't be moved which is what happened this week. Perhaps if 10:30 doesn't work we can have a regular time and then an additional hour once a month at another time to accommodate time differences. Just an idea - looking forward to next week's call.



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