Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Competitive Intelligence TRIZ

Please review my interpretation of the 1st Principle

Competitive Intelligence TRIZ

1st Principle

Corporate Strategy

"Corporate Strategy Competitive Intelligence Cycle"


"Key intelligence topics for Corporate Strategy decision making"

I. Assessment of strategies

A. Focused Differentiation
B. Best Cost
C. Differentiation
D. Low Cost
E. Focused Low Cost
F. Market Skimming
G. Market Penetration
H. Related Diversification
I. Unrelated Diversification
J. Backward Integration
K. Forward Integration
L. Horizontal Integration

II. Consumer Perceptions

A. Negative Moment of Truth
B. Positive Moment of Truth
C. Usage
D. Attitude
E. Image
F. Market Segmentation
G. Customer Satisfaction
H. Brand Recall
I. Purchase Decision
J. Brand Association
K. Value Creation
L. Lifestyle
M. Personality
N. Product Attributes
O. Country of Origin
III. Current Operations
A. Value Chain Analysis
B. Benchmarking Analysis
C. Five Force Analysis
D. Brick & Click Strategy
IV. Competitor Capabilities
A. Observe,Orient Decide, Act Loop
B. Offensive Maneuvers
C. Defensive Maneuvers
D. Flanking Maneuvers
E. Guerrilla Maneuvers
V. Evaluation of Market Life Cycle
A. Market Crystallization
B. Market Expansion
C. Market Fragmentation
D. Market Consolidation
E. Market Dissolution
VI. Service Triangle Interplay
A. Service Strategy
B. Systems & Procedures
C. People of the Organization
D. Service Strategy - Customer - People of the Organization
E. Systems & Procedures - Customer - People of the Organization
F. Systems & Procedures - Customer - Service Strategy
G. Service Strategy - Systems & Procedures - People of the Organization

Corporate Strategy Six Sigma Improvement Approach cycle for Information Analysis
Corporate Strategy 5S cycle of "Continuous Improvement" for Analysis of Information
Set in order
Corporate Strategy "8 D" cycle of Problem Solving Approach for Analysis of Information
Team effort
Describe the problem
Implement and verify short term corrective action
Define and verify root causes
Verify corrective action
Prevent re occurrence
Motivate your team

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Analysis for Corporate Strategy
Risk Priority Number
Fault Tree Analysis for Corporate Strategy
Reliability Analysis
Safety Analysis

Business Strategy

Business Strategy Competitive Intelligence Cycle


Key Intelligence Topics for Business Strategy decision making

I. Assessment of Strategies

A. Focused Differentiation
B. Best Cost
C. Differentiation
D. Low Cost
E. Focused Low Cost
F. Market Skimming
G. Market Penetration
H. Related Diversification
I. Unrelated Diversification
J. Backward Integration
K. Forward Integration
L. Horizontal Integration

II. Consumer Perceptions
A. Negative Moment of Truth
B. Positive Moment of Truth
C. Usage
D. Attitude
E. Image
F. Market Segmentation
G. Customer Satisfaction
H. Brand Recall
I. Purchase Decision
J. Brand Association
K. Value Creation
L. Lifestyle
M. Personality
N. Product Attributes
O. Country of Origin
III. Current Operations
A. Value Chain Analysis
B. Benchmarking Analysis
C. Five Force Analysis
D. Brick & Click Strategy
IV. Competitor Capabilities
A. Observe, Orient, Decide, Act Loop
B. Offensive Maneuvers
C. Defensive Maneuvers
D. Flanking Maneuvers
E. Guerrilla Maneuvers
V. Evaluation of Market Life Cycle
A. Market Crystallization
B. Market Expansion
C. Market Fragmentation
D. Market Consolidation
E. Market Dissolution
VI. Service Triangle Interplay
A. Service Strategy
B. Systems & Procedures
C. People of the Organization
D. Service Strategy - Customer - People of the Organization
E. Systems & Procedures - Customer - People of the Organization
F. Systems & Procedures - Customer - Service Strategy
G. Service Strategy - Systems & Procedures - People of the Organization
Business Strategy Six Sigma cycle Analysis for Information
Business Strategy 5S cycle of "Continuous Improvement" Analysis for Information
Set in order
Business Strategy "8 D" cycle of Problem Solving Approach for Analysis of Information
Team effort
Describe the problem
Implement and verify short term corrective action
Define and verify root causes
Verify corrective action
Prevent re occurrence
Motivate your team

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis for Business Strategy
Risk Priority Number
Fault Tree Analysis for Business Strategy
Reliability Analysis
Safety Analysis

Functional Strategy

Functional Strategy Competitive Intelligence Cycle


Key Intelligence Topics for Functional Strategy decision making

1. Assessment of Strategies

A. Focused Differentiation
B. Best Cost
C. Differentiation
D. Low Cost
E. Focused Low Cost
F. Market Skimming
G. Market Penetration
H. Related Diversification
I. Unrelated Diversification
J. Backward Integration
K. Forward Integration
L. Horizontal Integration

II. Consumer Perceptions
A. Negative Moment of Truth
B. Positive Moment of Truth
C. Usage
D. Attitude
E. Image
F. Market Segmentation
G. Customer Satisfaction
H. Brand Recall
I. Purchase Decision
J. Brand Association
K. Value Creation
L. Lifestyle
M. Personality
N. Product Attributes
O. Country of Origin
III. Current Operations
A. Value Chain Analysis
B. Benchmarking Analysis
C. Five Force Analysis
D. Brick & Click Strategy
IV. Competitor Capabilities
A. Observe, Orient, Decide, Act Loop
B. Offensive Maneuvers
C. Defensive Maneuvers
D. Flanking Maneuvers
E. Guerrilla Maneuvers
V. Evaluation of Market Life Cycle
A. Market Crystallization
B. Market Expansion
C. Market Fragmentation
D. Market Consolidation
E. Market Dissolution
VI. Service Triangle Interplay
A. Service Strategy
B. Systems & Procedures
C. People of the Organization
D. Service Strategy - Customer - People of the Organization
E. Systems & Procedures - Customer - People of the Organization
F. Systems & Procedures - Customer - Service Strategy
G. Service Strategy - Systems & Procedures - People of the Organization
Functional Strategy Six Sigma cycle for Information Analysis
Functional Strategy 5S cycle of "Continuous Improvement" for Analysis of Information
Set in order

Functional Strategy "8 D" cycle of Problem Solving Approach for Analysis of Information
Team effort
Describe the problem
Implement and verify short term corrective action
Define and verify root causes
Verify corrective action
Prevent re occurrence
Motivate your team

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis for Functional Strategy
Risk Priority Number
Fault Tree Analysis for Functional Strategy
Reliability Analysis
Safety Analysis

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Comment by Vivek Raghuvanshi on July 24, 2010 at 12:21am
Competitive Intelligence TRIZ

3rd Principle

Using Quality Function Deployment matrix one needs to look into issues that need addressing. Consumer feedback is not evaluated and acted upon by organizations and that could be because of their inability to generate insight. Products and services are created by using new emerging technology without an inkling of what the customer requirements are really are. How is analysis of consumer feedback done? Are the people in the organization apprised of what the customer really expects? Are we catering to meet just the customer satisfaction levels or are we geared up to beat customer expectations?

How is competition analysis done? Are we able to anticipate competitors capabilities and intentions and how does competitor react to our moves in the market place..

Is the organization working towards a common vision and is there a mission statement in place?

In new product development for example have we looked into areas of creating a product which serves multiple utility needs of the consumer. How else can the same product be used differently? Or how can the product be packaged differently differently.

Using Pareto Analysis 80/20 are we able to classify customer feedback into:

* Complaints
* Criticisms
* Suggestions
* Compliments
* Questions

This way we are able to identify the frequency of an issue which needs our attention.

Is it that 80% of customer grievances happen because of a fault in 20% of our products that need our attention. This way we can pinpoint where the problem lies.

Customer satisfaction is based on understanding of threshold of tolerance and service levels. Maybe the dissatisfaction has occurred because of not being able to identify customers threshold of tolerance and maybe it is because of only meeting the accepted levels of service and not the desired levels of service.

One needs to identify non random patterns. Non random patterns in consumer behavior.

Using Dr Juran's tool of 'vital few, trivial many' one needs to identify what are those vital activities in your organization that need the most attention to make your products and services competitive in the marketplace.

What strategy should one be using while making market entry decisions in emerging markets? How relevant is it to go in for glocalisation strategy? How are you equipped to handle cross cultural influences.
Comment by Vivek Raghuvanshi on July 24, 2010 at 12:20am
Competitive Intelligence TRIZ

2nd Principle

Identify the purpose of information collection by using so what? technique and 5 why technique.

Refine the key intelligence topics.

Identify the single most important issue that needs to be redressed.

Did benchmarking help you isolate the single most important issue that helps you differentiate your clients products and services in the market.

Did the information analysis help you differentiate in terms of :

1. Quality
2. Service
3. Innovation

Are you able to maintain and sustain differentiation. How is the OODA loop working? Is value chain analysis effective? Are you able to generate competitive advantage

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