Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries
I would be most interested to hear the opinions of all regarding this blog post by Leonard Fuld regarding CI rules http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2010/12/how_competitive_intelligence_r.html
I think he makes a sensible enough argument: management and lawyers should have some awareness to the realities of the issues on which they write rules for. However, he attributes overbearing CI policies to attorneys who are “overprotecting their organizations by trying to protect people from themselves”, and I wonder if he is overlooking the contribution of senior management to this.
What do you think, Suki?
Most of the companies believe that they own the employees.
If a CEO moves from one organization to another, it is because of the incompetence of the former organization to retain that employee, and it is the competence of the latter organization to acquire that employee.
The problem is that most organizations have become arrogant and they believe that their employees are bonded labourers.
The issue here is about incompetent HR retention policies of one organization in not being able to retain a top performing employee.
Why is one an employee in the first place?
It is to become a master and a subject matter expert.
The other issue as to how information should be gathered depends upon the competency of the training and development conducted by HRD section.
If the employee is taking a short cut, it is because they have not been trained to properly collect information.
Most organizations believe that the information they collect is intelligence.
Sometimes even while using management tools, most employees are not competent to analyze information in the right perspective.
Competitive Intelligence is not a mass market product where every Tom Dick and Harry collecting information using PUBLIC sources and analyzing information using management tools can claim to be an expert analyst.
Competitive Intelligence information collection and analysis should be entrusted to the very best and the brightest and not the commoners.
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