Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Hi everyone, I have since long realized that this is a great place to ask any questions related to CI. Right now we are looking to see if we can find any CI academics who are active publishing research in South America, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Russia/Eastern Europe, Turkey, Australia. I was not able to find many articles from these countries going throught the ISI Web of Knoweldge. Can anyone suggest names and publicated articles?

Best, Klaus

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Hi Kalus,

How many you want? and I am only talking about Brazil...



Sorry Klaus misspelled your name.
That's OK, Kalus is fine. We are looking for those who have published most scientific articles, so If you could list names and articles that would help a lot.

Klaus, in Brazil you have a significantly large number of Universities, Researchers, PhD and Master students devoted to publish articles on CI.

How scientific they are I could not tell because that implies a criteria that I do not own.

Plus I do not own such a list.

What I can do is to send you a list of universities, researchers, articles I know and from there you may further develop your search based on your scientific criteria.

Hope this may be of help to you.

Thanks Miguel, names of scholars would be fine. I can search for the articles myself.

Thanks Miguel,

Maybe Prof. Dr Dilson could be a contact, I will look into it.
As most of these authors do not publish research in English they often remain hidden to us, undeservedly so.

Indeed so Klaus.

That is why I was saying that there is plenty of material in Brazil alone, not to say in all of LATAM.

I also have another contact that may help you:

Prof. Leonel Cezar

Good luck.


Hi Klaus,
Just got this one more.
Fresh out of the 'press'.
Managed by Prof. Alfredo Passos another CI Ning member.

Hi Klaus

Unfortunately I am not aware of any academics qualified to teach CI who are teaching CI in Australia.  I am not aware of any recent published research either.  I do know of students who are doing research papers on CI as part of their Masters or Doctorates however I don't think that is what you are after.  If it is let me know.


The last piece of research published in Australia was my co-authored work with Assoc. Prof. Chris Hall (now retired) back in 2007.  It was the output of a 10 year benchmarking study on the CI efforts of Australian management.  Have a look at:


If you have any specific questions, let me know.


In India there is Vivek Raghuvanshi who I understands teaches CI.  I am not aware of any CI academic research work being done in Pakistan except for that by the military and police. I have not heard of any course being run in Indonesia either.  However things may have changed recently - evidenced possibly by the increasing members from Indonesia and Pakistan.  You may want to touch base with Gary Lim.   Both Vivek and Gary are members of this forum and I suspect if you go to Groups under this forum you may find what you are looking for and can directly communicate with the appropriate groups for each.


Would be most interested to hear what you end up with from the Asia Pacific region.




Hi Babette,

It is interesting your remarks on Asia Pacific region.

Thanks to the fact I have been involved on the IntelColab effort lead by Arik Johnson I had the chance to be exposed to scientific articles published by Chinese researchers. I was and I still am astonished for the amount and quality of those that are translated in English. A good example might be:

Study on Early Warning of Competitive Technical Intelligence Based on the Patent Map
Zha Xianjin - Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Chen Minghong, Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

Article below to download.

Another good example might be:

Analysis of Uncertainty Multi-attribute Group Decision Making Process Based on D-S Evidence Theory - Jialin Liu, Bengang Gong

Is this an article on CI? On the topic directly it is not but I argue that anyone interested on CI should at least give it a look...

But then again I may be just looking at the tree and in fact the overall quality nad diversity may not be that good.



Hi Marcus


It is amazing what is available in China and thank you for the link and suggestions. I am aware that there are numerous published papers in China on and around this topic as there are in Japan as well. Both Prof. Juro Nakagawa and Prof. Yoshio Sugasawa have published numerous papers, though I am not too sure how many are in English.


My response only addressed those countries in the Asia Pac region that Klaus mentioned in his original request - so those were India, Pakistan, Indonesia and Australia.





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