Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

I risk to maintain that nouns "ethic" and "ethics", the adjective "ethical" and the adverb "ethically" are among the most frequently used words in our social network. However, are CI professionals able to behave ethically at all? I've asked my Polish students this question yesterday ( ), too. I'm afraid that we can compare CI professionals to corporate executives just scolded by President Obama [Obama Calls for 'Common Sense' on Executive Pay ( )]. Nearly a year ago, I quoted another NYT article ( ): "There is nothing wrong with it - it's not illegal, [...] But it's ugly." Just this -- where the strongest work ethic doesn't suffice, law enforcement has to appear, isn't that so? Should therefore CI community be ruled by INTELLIGENCE REFORM AND TERRORISM PREVENTION ACT OF 2004 ( )? Are you sure that CI community hasn't been ruled by this act already? :-)

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Today, I've added the next problem ( ) to the topic Organizations, subjects and structures responsible for Security & Safety ( ) studied by my Polish students ( ). Searching for the JPG with the help of which I've illustrated that message, I've also found at the following JPG

which should suit each CI Professional. ;-)
Reminds me of Glomerization.

Glomer response at a time when companies represent countries in the Race for Economic Supremany of Nations.
Hi, Vivek, you mean Glomarization [the terms "Glomar response," and "Glomarization" are used to describe an agency's response when they can neither confirm nor deny whether records exist ( )], don't you? ;-)

Never mind. Both I and he ( )

would like to thank you very much. :-)
Hi,Tadeusz, if you don't mind I would take the picture for my public report about ethics and morality of CI professionals? It's a pity, but in spite of some Polish roots of mine, I don't read in Polish. May be You have some information in english about the subject?
Hi, Alex, fortunately, I read also Russian texts ( ). :-)


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