Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Ellen Naylor's Comments

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At 10:17am on October 30, 2012, Stephen Preston said…

I just finished reading your article, "Introducing Cooperative Intelligence".  Thank you for writing it, I found it very helpful.  I also found it interesting that you started at Bell Atlantic/Verizon.  I work for a Verizon spin-off called Syniverse.  Small world.

At 12:19pm on August 21, 2012, Andy Alsop said…

Thank you for adding me to your friend list and for the warm welcome!

At 1:32pm on December 14, 2011, Andrew Beurschgens said…

Thank you for your kind words regarding thre UK Competitive Intelligence Forum's Calendar of Networking Events for 2012.  Could not have done it without a core set of great volunteers with me on this, all in the name of sharing and growing, sharing and growing.  Likewise, Happy Holidays!

At 3:11pm on November 26, 2011, Amanda Abuchaim said…

Hi, Ellen!

Thank you for your message.

I hope I'm able to contribute.


Kindest regards,


At 3:48pm on September 6, 2011, Regina M Maxwell said…

Hi Ellen,

Thanks for your warm welcome, and yes, I have been a member of AIIP since June 2010.  What an awesome group of info pros!  A terrific lot!  I am hoping to get to Indianapolis in 2012 and really look forward to meeting you.  I'm sorry our paths didn't cross at the SLA AIIP social in Philly.  I live here and was overwhelmed by the number of AIIP legends there that night ;)

I look forward to our staying in touch -- I am fairly new to entrepreneurship (a little over a year) and I have learned so much and have tremendous respect for those of you who've been at it for so long!  I know it's hard work, but I sure wouldn't mind if some of your success rubbed off on me ;)

With warm regards,


At 9:50pm on August 24, 2011, Neil Foley said…


Thanks for your positive comment about the video. I'm glad to join CI.



At 4:56pm on June 20, 2011, Tim Weaver said…
Hello Ellen, thanks for the kind words and the nice welceome. Should I think of anything, I'll let you know.
At 1:30pm on June 11, 2011, Eric Garland said…
I'm bringing 50 copies of the book in a very heavy suitcase. See you there!
At 1:07pm on June 1, 2011, siddharth bawa said…

Hi Ellen thanks for making me a parts of your group. Actually i joined CI ning in 2009 but was not very active. Recently saw some interesting posts from your side so would try to be more active now.


Best regards,


At 2:14pm on April 25, 2011, Shelly Azar said…

Thanks for finding and adding me as a friend. I had heard of this group before, but never actively looked for it. I stumbled across it yesterday. I'm already seeing familiar faces and names. I'll take that as a good sign.


It was really good to see you again too. I hope we'll stay in contact more often this time around!



At 2:08pm on April 25, 2011, Andrea Gozzo said…
Hi Ellen, thank for your welcome note. I believe indeed that these type of networks can indeed be useful.
At 4:01pm on March 21, 2011, DUVAL Laurent said…
Thank you very much for your welcome address
At 1:11pm on March 17, 2011, Tamer Sharkawy said…
Thank you Ellen, I look forward to future discussions. 
At 1:09am on March 8, 2011, Babette Bensoussan said…
Thank you my dear.  Your support means so much.  Hope you are enjoying your trip away.  BB
At 8:50am on February 9, 2011, Kristan J. Wheaton said…

I thought we were friends on Ning, too.  Thanks for helping Nimalan.  I think his research will be pretty interesting once he completes it.



At 1:30pm on January 25, 2011, Lisa Faherty said…
Thanks Ellen, good to reconnect with the CI world
At 4:41pm on November 05, 2010, Sonia Isotov gave Ellen Naylor a gift
At 5:48am on November 2, 2010, Aldo J. Martinez said…
I am very much looking forward being in this group, thank you Patric, Eric and Ellen.
At 10:33pm on June 30, 2010, Chad Groenhout said…
Yeah, I think it could be a good experience. (I received the slides you sent out for your presentation at the conference. Thank you.)
At 3:25pm on April 16, 2010, Anna Fatti said…
thanks for the warm welcome. I'm at th beginning of an adventure with CI.

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