Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Do you have a blog? If so, please list your feed and I'll aggregate them here.

Reply to this post with your blog feed (or address if you're not sure of the feed URL) and I'll aggregate them together here on the site.

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R-Techno blog (in Russian) -
R-Techno blog (in English) -
Russian Business Intelligence Forum (in Russian) -
Roman V.Romachev
CEO & Founder
R-Techno Ltd.
Thanks for sharing Roman - will get them added to the homepage feed.


- Arik
Selling very good standing and listed intelligence Web 2.0 site:
Anyone interested?
I just can't make the time anymore for all my sites (running another 8...).
Hi Arik,

I have a blog in french dedicated to social media influence :

I would be happy to discuss different topics with the community as well as meeting professionals specialized in SMI.

All the best,

Hi Arik,

I have a blog in french:

Thanks Nicolas - I've got it and adding it today.

- Arik
Hi Arik,

Thank you for giving us this nice platform for professionals to communicate. I'm the administrator of the forum of the Group of Professional on CI in Spain (GPIC). Today is our first birthday. It is only available in Spanish but there are some posts in English, French and Portuguese. For the ones that are not registered (it's free) you can see some commercial ads on the first page. Once inside, there is no more publicity.

The link is

Best regards,

Eliana Benjumeda
Business Information and Market Intelligence
34-966 69 60 60
Member of Global Intelligence Alliance (GIA)
Thanks Eliana - I'm adding this today.

- Arik
Hi Arik

Hope you have recovered from your recent travels. Just a quick question for the dummies.... have you managed to aggregate the blogs listed here and if so where can I find the list? I may have missed your notification. Thank you, Babette
Yes, thanks Babette - recovering... however slowly... I'm not as young as I used to be. ;-) Anyhow, the blogs listed here are all aggregated into a mashup I made using Yahoo! Pipes and the output is fed here as RSS 2.0 so you can pull it into another feedreader (Google, Outlook 2007, etc.) - or feel free to "clone" it and remix on your own adding more functionality.

For example, there's a pretty nice subroutine for translation from all the non-English language output, but I haven't applied that since it's really not up to me to assume everybody on this site is necessarily reading in English. Here's the link:

Cheers for now,

- Arik
Hi Arik,

Here's our blog--

Thanks Amy - I've got it - looking forward to your insights.

- Arik


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