As a newly elected board member to SCIP please let me take this opportunity to thank SCIP staff, all volunteers and committee members for an election process well carried out and the support granted to the nominees and the members to be informed properly about the choices at hand.
Also, my sincere gratitude to SCIP members who decided to cast their vote in larger numbers this time (almost 17% which is still to be improved and serves as a reminder that SCIP members still need more convincing of SCIP's value to all members). The larger the number of direct votes the stronger the mandate can be enriched with real member requirements. To load our obligation as board members with member value we will, of course, go out and try to become SCIP members' ambassadors and represent, resolve and protect their needs.
I would also like to thank all fellow nominees who made this choice really difficult which is a good sign of the high quality standards we, as a global CI community stand for. Regardless of election outcome I am convinced that we will continue to experience strong excellence from anyone who offered their personal expertise to the SCIP community in being nominated and hopefully we will see the ones not elected on future ballots.
Finally I would like to invite all SCIP members to come out in force via any platform and media to bring forward their personal requirements and challenge us to perform in their service and I would like to invite anyone within the global CI community to seriously consider to become more active as a CI professional, to become SCIP members and to volunteer for anything that can help to strengthen our profession.
Here's a (hopefully small) challenge that would benefit all of those who want SCIP membership to grow.
Wikipedia says "SCIP" = Secure Communications Interoperability Protocol
Maybe SCIP should start its own page and paste the SCIP mission, goals, annual events, etc, with external links to SCIP's website, including the link for new members to sign up.
I am sure there are many other directories and listings in good standing where SCIP is still missing so it would be great to collect those. I'll take note of this and will make sure to understand how this is done by SCIP staff already and whether the CI community can be of help to gather more of those web sites to link to SCIP.