within the current economic climate, the recent uncertainties during the SCIP/FSI strategic alliance setup, drastic measures to save the society - there has been one constituance who might have suffered and offered most at the same time: the SCIP staff!
Having experienced the Amsterdam conference, which was neatly arranged by the conference committee and the SCIP staff prior to, during and post conference one should know that these folks over in Alexandria have worked magic under extremely difficult circumstances.
Significant resource limitations (the SCIP/FSI collaboration has not warmed up to full steam just yet) have not stopped the SCIP staff to deliver a level of dedication and result as if the world has not changed.
Let me remind you though that the world has possibly tumbled most over there at the SCIP office and I just wanted to extend my gratutide for a meeting very well organized, run and serviced to:
Bonnie Hohhof
Robyn Reals
Sandy Skipper
Marty Zurcher and
Ken Garrison