After the JCIM was put on ice there has been no major academic CI journal and the field has suffered much because of this.
During the past two years I have participated in a number of different conferences related to Business Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence, the SIIE, the ECIS, SCIP and VSST to take the major ones.
Those who are coming from a technical side have some possibilities when it comes to CI related material in already established/ISI web of knowledge journals. This alternative is less clear for the CI side. There are of course DSS, Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, European Journal of Iformation Systems, Information Systems Journal, Information Systems Research, Journal of Global Information management, Journal of MIS, MIS Quarterly, just to mention the more known and better ranked. But none of them are really advocating CI and BI in particular.
I think there will be a journal of CI and BI during 2010, maybe one that is Open Source based. After ECIS 2009 such an initiative was taken. During SIIE 2010 a similar interest was shown. Similar ideas are up for the VSST 2010 in Toulouse in October. When the proposition does come it is important that it can be accepted by all groups. Running a scientificf journal is not the job of 1 or even 10 academics, but of 50 or 100. It is a large colloborative challenge. In this respect it is also important to know where SCIP stand and what the intereste of F&SI are. This social network on the ning started by Arik Johnson reatches many of these people. I welcome your opinions.
PS. I hope you read the special report on Business Intelligence and the data deluge in the Economist the other week, it shows the importance of the BI/CI field in the years to come.