Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries


I had the pleasure of meeting Rick face-to-face while at AIIP's annual conference in Vancouver, WA earlier this month. Wow, he really is plugged into sales and to how to improve your competitive advantage from win / loss assessments that sales conducts right after the sale, lost sale or disengaged sale.

His book, "Win Loss Reviews: A New Knowledge Model for Competitive Intelligence" is now up on Amazon, and will be released in July 2011. I highly recommend that you buy it. It's different from anything else I have ever read on win/loss since he has developed a model that is based on win / loss reviews conducted by sales, and the primary beneficiary is Sales. It's really slick as it builds off Microsoft's CRM which minimizes having Sales fill in anything but new information. Information from win interviews is in turn, used in the company's Sales incentive / reward program. Hmmm, so don't you imagine Sales is going to cooperate and fill in their win interviews!

This recycling of data from Sales is another reason that Sales is happy to participate. This is almost like numerous micro-blogs which allow Microsoft to gain incredible intelligence from sales, and just think of the trends they are able to uncover from so many sales win / loss interview results! This win / loss process has been institutionalized at Microsoft.

Rick will be giving an Executive Address on this topic at SCIP's annual conference on May 12 from 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. If you are going, you won't want to miss this session, and it's a stand alone, not a concurrent session. This is new material and new slant for gaining and using sales intelligence. I wish I could attend, but I am already going to be away over half of May on other business.

All the best,


Views: 109

Replies to This Discussion

I agree with you there Ellen, it is a scene setter of the highest order, a break for a whole number of reasons.  That's the next place for my book $.  I have recommended that he appear at the European Event as well as exploring an opportunity in the UK.  I have pre-ordered already....roll on July....
Thank you Ellen!

I also have pre-ordered it and reinforce Andrew's suggestion. It would be great to have him on a European event.

Enjoy his session - would you be able to share a short review of it here on Ning?


Unfortunately I won't be at SCIP since I have a conflict and will be with my husband supporting his art business. I hope that someone from this list does attend Rick's talk and will report back to us! I just know he'll be a good speaker as he has good presence and passion! I hope you do get him SCIP Europe in the Fall!


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