Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Is anyone willing to share organizational charts for the CI units and rationale behind the structure? I am working on a recommendation and wanted some benchmarking of global organizations in non-competing industries. If you are, but don't want to post, you can email me at

Thanks in advance

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Melanie-care to share your ideas at the Nov 13th meeting in Lansing? Looking to make it interesting
Realize putting together a recommendation quite a different exercise than a general topic for discussion- sounds like it might offer some intriguing possibilities though
Melaine just imagine a scenario:

A multinational company having 10 product lines and operating in X number of countries

Therefore if each product line has Y number of competitors, which you need to monitor daily.

1 product x 100 competitors worldwide to be monitored on a Daily basis = One Analyst.

Therefore if 10 products x 100 competitors worldwide to be monitored daily, where each product belongs to a different sector/industry = 10 Analysts

Ideally for each SECTOR / Industry to be monitored, we will require 1 Analyst to extract data and maybe the same Analyst to Analyse data on daily basis.


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