Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

What are your plans for networking?

I will be visiting the eternal city since Saturday and will stay there till Thursday and would be glad to meet people from Spain, Portugal and Latin America. German speaking people are also welcomed, this way I will be able meine Deutschkentnisse zu benutzen. Eigentlich Deutsch war meine Muttersprache aber ich finde kaum eine Möglichkeit Deutsch zu sprechen!

I believe we can exchange points of view on how CI is practiced in our countries and learn from each other. Of course CI is not everything in life and a good wine or beer can be tasted in Rome. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Best regards,


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The 13th Annual European CI Summit in Rome promises to be of the best. It offers 1) well chosen Key note speakers, outstanding in their respective areas; 2) optimally designed tracks, addressing current topics; 3) good international speakers, sharing hands-on experiences; 4) good workshops; 5) forward looking forums. There is lots of enthusiasm going on and many colleagues are striving to attend. As we all know, there are many roads leading to Rome...
Expectations are high on content, participation and deliverables: a good deal of challenging sessions, over 200 participants from practically all continents, presence of major vendors with whom a hearty interaction is recommended, an Italian track, etc. Friends and colleagues will be there, SCIP members and those to be. Time will have to be stretched to really network intensely.
I look forward to interacting with you at this year's EU Summit.
Auf Wiedersehen in Rom. Nos vemos en Roma. See you in Rome.
I will also attend and try to meet as many as possible CI mates as I missed San Diego unfortunately. For anyone who doesn't see me around in Rome just drop me a Ning message here (will check it in between some sessions and at night) and we can exchange cell phone numbers to hook up.

Cheers, can't wait for Rome!
Hi all - well, I've gone and done it and decided to come to Rome after all... I'd sort of been looking for any excuse I could find anyhow, but on Friday the CI Foundation authorized a new development strategy and CIF is launching a new donor program to go along with it, so with an opportunity to pitch it while there, that was the final straw for me. See you in the the City of the Seven Hills in a few short days.

Safe travels,

- Arik
Count me in too....welcome meeting up with like minded people passionate about earning the right to undertake analysis of all source information to address the so what and what's next for the respective market-based issue. Bring it on! The networking opportunities live long after the event - inspire and be inspired! The programme could even eclipse what was produced in Bad Nauheim and the mood there too. Together we can all navigate our ways round to understand from sources of inspiration and to inspire others and then action back at our respective bases after the event for increased value and a better understanding of the value proposition of the discipline to those with mandates to make a decision. Can't wait.

I shall be there from Sunday through to Thursday (UK flights back for you to get the most value from attending) and I would welcome meeting people in and around workshop day as well as over the conference. Safe journeys one and all, safe journeys.
I couldn't have said it better myself Andrew - looking forward to catching up with you! I envy your Sunday arrival - I haven't been to Rome in YEARS and there is so much to see and do, it pains me to be leaving on Thursday morning as well. Are you attending workshops Monday? I expect to land at the hotel by mid-morning Monday but if you're free I'd love grab coffee and a bite to eat along with anyone else who'd care to connect as well.

I'll be Twittering while there and that might be a way to stay in touch - I'll be tagging my input with "SCIP" and "Rome" so it's easily searched/found with this string on Summize:

If you have a feed reader while you're mobile here's an Atom feed for it too:

- Arik
Dear Adrian:

English allowed too???

Glad to hear you will all be in Rome. Chuck (my husband) and I will be arriving Sunday AM, Oct 19 and will be staying after the meeting through Oct 29. We will be based at the Torre Rossa, along with Ellen Naylor (Monday workshop speaker) and Dr. Richard Chizzonite (speaker and panelist). Ellen spoke about getting together for dinner on Sunday. If anyone has a good idea for a group gathering place on Sunday evening, that would be good to know.

My blackberry email is the best way to reach me in rome: Phone is 1-914-479-2268

Hi Martha,
Clement Ducreux (Digimind) will attend SCIP Rome and will present a paper about new techniques for discovering hidden related concepts and links out of corpus of arbitrary set of news.
This new concept analysis and visualization tool will be demonstrated.
Dear Martha,

English is obviously allowed!

See you there and let's meet on Sunday for dinner then!

Best regards,



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