Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Although we are making progress on the CI bibliography project, CI body of knowledge, and other aggregation channels, and in light of the fact that we no longer have a scholarly journal dedicted to competitive intelligence, it might be good for us to share what we are researching and where we are publishing articles, chapters, or books.

For example, I just had two papers written with longtime colleagues (and fellow CI Ning members) published that were in the CI area. Here are the details:


Fleisher, CS and D. Blenkhorn, "A comparison of teaching competitive intelligence to global audiences," Journal of Teaching in International Business (ISSN 0897-5930), 2010, 21(4), pp. 266-281.

Fleisher, C.S. and S. Wright, "Causes of competitive analysis failure: Understanding and responding to problems at the individual level," Journal of Strategic Marketing (0965-254X), 2010, 18(7), pp. 553-572.

I'm working on some continuing research into analysis at multiple levels scoped globally, as well as some economic gardening applications of CI. 

What are you working on? What have you published or presented of late? Care to share it with the rest of here in the CI Ning academic community?

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thanks for initiating this discussion.

As indicated alread in this thread by Klaus, the upcoming CI Conference (April 6-7th, 2011, Bad Nauheim, Germany) will host the fourth ECIS (European Competitive Intelligence Symposium). This year's papers will be published in Volume 4 of "Studies in Intelligence Collection and Intellligence Analysis", Prof Litzcke. 

Obviously many more "intelligence" related journals exist that have taken over JCIM's (Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management) role. Still - to my knowledge - none of them really substitutes a pure CI Journal.

Based on various discussions I had and most evidently judging on the quality and quantity of submissions to the ECIS 2011 call for papers, I can confirm that there's enough input (papers) for a new "Journal of Competitive Intelligence".


I agree that most importantly a new journal needs the backing of the established Who's Who in scholarly CI (have a look under for a non-comprehensive list). On top of this a new magazine needs an experienced manager to run the daily operations.

All applicants to the latter job are cordially invited to the Bad Nauheim conference. Hopefully this event will support the establishment of a new academic CI journal.



Hi Rainer: I am very thankful for efforts like ECIS, now in its 4th iteration. We need even more efforts like this, and spread out among several key regions of the globe (Asia Pacific, Americas, AMEA, etc.).


A key problem is that we have lacked any institutional, actors beside SCIP to promote and organize them. Most other (respected) professions have numerous commissions, standard setting bodies (with power over essential activities like licensure/licensing, certifications, ethical oversight, etc.), institutes, foundations, annual policy conferences, and the like - none of which is currently present in or has been sustainable in CI over any appreciable period of time. The presence, or absence of a credible journal or magazine, is among the most basic of elements a field needs on its journey toward professionalization. And we have not been able to achieve even that in CI despite reasonable attempts through CI Review and JCIM...

At some point, preferably sooner rather than later, we need a critical mass of interested and concerned CI citizens, who can organize and begin filling in these deficiencies. It ma just emanate from our CI Ning group, or a social network somewhere, but it needs to begin and be populated by individuals who have deep concern for the integrity and public acceptance of competitive intelligence. I remain willing to volunteer, but we need to be systematic and regular in our communication and discussion about a plan for doing this. It will not, and has not, managed to evolve serendipitously over the last 3+ decades, and likely won't in the next 3+ either unless we act with shared purpose to change this tide.

Thanks again for all you do to make a difference. Craig

Craig, et al


Rainer certainly echos my thoughts, and I believe those of many others, on the question of a new "Journal of Competitive Intelligence".  Although I doubt that I will be able to travel to Germany from South Africa for the April CI conference, I am willing to contribute to the project in any way I can.


Below is a list of articles that I have published in The Wits Business School Journal.  Wits Business School, where I teach an MBA elective on Competitive Intelligence, is South Africa's number one ranked school.


  • Bernhardt, D. (2005) ‘Competitive Intelligence:  Avoiding predictable surprises’, The Wits Business School Journal, Jul, pp. 12-19.


  • Bernhardt, D. (2006) ‘Finding the intelligence to lead: Does America face a leadership crisis?’, The Wits Business School Journal, Jan-Feb, pp. 42-44.


  • Bernhardt, D. (2008) ‘Intelligent New Strategies for New Battles’, The Wits Business School Journal, Jul-Sep, pp. 88-92.


  • Bernhardt, D. (2009)  ‘Beware the black swan’, The Wits Business School Journal, 3 (19), pp. 86-88.


  • Bernhardt, D. (2010) ‘Strategic intelligence for executives’, The Wits Business School Journal, 3 (22), 64-66.


Regards, Douglas Bernhardt



Hi Douglas,

These entries need to be added to the current CI scholarship listings in the practitioner articles section.  As we are in the process of updating and amending this list, could you send me the details above by e-mail, but with the volume number and issue number added for the first three?  Many thanks




back to the issue of a CI Journal. Finally we scheduled one of the Expert Talks session of the upcoming CI conference to this topic. More than this we'll provide remote access to this session for those who can't attend!. So, check out

and see you there!



Thanks Rainer - I'm looking forward to this already!

Latest papers on CI : 2011 & 2012 (so far...) 


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