Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Hear ye! Hear ye! I am proud to announce the publication of my new book, Competitive Intelligence Advantage: How to Minimize Risk, Avoid Surprises, and Grow Your Business in a Changing World (Wiley).

This book is an essential manual for the business community, and specifically for executives and management who are unfamiliar with CI or who think CI is something like market research or business intelligence, neither of which are true.

The book provides a clear discourse into the power of CI and the immediate benefit for a company or its clients. And it drives the message that CI is all about making better decisions, smarter decisions, decisions that lead to success.

One chapter addresses why competitors are not nearly as important in the information matrix as conventional CI wisdom indicates; one chapter explains why executives are often blindsided by their own knowledge or by their ignorance. There’s a chapter that dispels the many myths surrounding CI; and still another that identifies the numerous applications for CI.

This very readable book includes more than 70 real market examples, and will engage your colleagues and clients alike – even those who don't understand the direct benefits. It will definitively offer a good number of reasons for them to jump on the CI bandwagon – not to mention that it also makes a great gift for the business student or manager who wants to offer greater value to their firm.

I am a 20+ year member of SCIP, a Fellows Award recipient, and I chaired the Los Angeles SCIP chapter for 7 years.

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Comment by Richard on January 6, 2010 at 9:33am
I am enjoying the book, still working through it with all my other reading, but I like the practicality of it. Practitioners of the art need more than academic treaties on the subject. And thanks for making it a Kindle selection--when you travel around, that's the best option for taking all that reading with you.
Comment by EL GOUGI HAYAT on December 16, 2009 at 3:34pm
Hi, it will be very interesting, but do you have it in french???
Comment by Seena Sharp on December 16, 2009 at 11:25am
Hi Claudio,

I have an entire chapter (#12), What's In It For Me? which details 15 benefits of CI. It provides the language for quickly identifying and detailing the benefits to those who are unfamiliar with or don't understand CI.
Comment by Eric Garland on December 16, 2009 at 8:55am
Seena - I ordered it on Amazon. I'll do a review there and here once I get it. Have fun obsessing about your Amazon number getting smaller - I know it provided me hours of fantastic OCD entertainment.

If this book is half as witty and insightful as your great Sharp Insights newsletter, then I'll be providing this book to my own clients and trumpeting its message from the rooftops. Congratulations!
Comment by Claudio Iacovelli on December 16, 2009 at 2:39am
I'll buy soon your book, I'm very intested in determining the new several benefits of competitive intelligence process and function
Comment by Andrew Beurschgens on December 16, 2009 at 1:46am
Beaten to it, but have a copy and shall be drafting why I think other practitioners should be picking it up, thinking about what they are currently doing and doing something different. Namley actioning the content. Brilliant just brilliant. In the same mould as Joseph Rodenberg's title, as if written from the other side of the desk. Looking forward to completing it.
Comment by Tadeusz Lemańczyk on December 15, 2009 at 12:38am
Your words, Seena, "This book is [...] for [...] who think CI is something like [...] business intelligence, neither of which are true" haven't discouraged me from looking inside your book ( ). ;-) But, joking apart, would you please tell me more about "Countermeasures, enabling, 254-255" (p. 283)? Is your thought about those countermeasures similar to Douglas Bernhardt's thought about counterintelligence ["Counterintelligence should not only protect against aggressive and illegal information collection but also against open and legal collection efforts that can harm a company and affect its ability to compete in its market" ( )] or even to the reverse expressed by John Nolan in his book Confidential: Business Secrets - Getting Theirs, Keeping Yours?
Comment by Arik Johnson on December 14, 2009 at 9:54pm
Hi Seena - great work - just got my copy a couple of days ago and, after a quick skim, I'm looking forward to digging in for a full review over during Christmas break!

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