Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

My friend Bonnie Hohhof at SCIP has made a request to some of us to identify best articles published in Competitive Intelligence Magazine over a specific time period. That got me thinking about articles published recently that made an impression on my thinking and that might be ones I want to include in the next offering of my Managing Competitive Intelligence course. I thought this might be a good one to send out to our academic NINGas in our group, but don't want to restrict this to them if others outside our sub-group also want to chime in. Which article, academic or otherwise, has made the biggest impression on your thinking about competitive intelligence over the last twelve months or so? Would you please be kind enough to share the publication details (year, author, source, volume, number, pages and/or URL) of the piece so that the rest of us can find it as well. Thanks in advance for your ideas and I hope this stimulates some thinking amongst our group. Regards, Craig

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These three are among my top articles in the past year or so; all published in the CI Magazine: Gilad, Ben; The Future of competitive intelligence: contest for the profession’s soul; 11(5), Sep-Oct 2008. Kalinowski, David J & Gary D Maag; What is everybody afraid of?; 11(2), Mar-Apr 2008. Sperger, Michael; May I have your attention?; 11(4), Jul-Aug 2008. I'll have a bit of a think about any others.
Dear Craig,

I have only just received the wonderful and welcome news. May I offer my heartiest congratulations on receiving your well-deserved SCIP Meritorious Award?

Kindest regards,

Hi Vernon: Thanks for the kind sentiment. I just hope my contributions in the future will be good ones too! Thanks as well for all you have done -- I fully recognize that many of my contributions were built on the foundations laid by others like yourself. Keep on keeping on, Craig


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