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Putting Social to Work: Real-Life Examples of Organizations and Info Pros Using Social Networking Tools

Event Details

Putting Social to Work: Real-Life Examples of Organizations and Info Pros Using Social Networking Tools

Time: July 30, 2009 from 6pm to 7pm
Location: Second Life
Website or Map:…
Event Type: virtual world presentation, presentation
Organized By: Scott Brown, Library Buzz, Alliance Virtual Library, SLA in Virtual Worlds
Latest Activity: Jul 31, 2009

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Event Description

How are organizations and information professionals actually using tools like Twitter, Facebook and others to connect, share and find information effectively? How do they find the time to do it? In this session we will look at the real-life practical applications of social networking tools, both inside and outside of the information organization. You'll see real examples, and we'll discuss issues and best practices around security, privacy and implementation.

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Comment by Scott Brown on July 31, 2009 at 7:54am
Slides from Putting Social to Work now available! (PDF):
Comment by Johann van den Heever on July 31, 2009 at 2:59am
I really need to get that "World time watch". :-) Looking forward to our "Off-Line" conversation. PS. Since I am new here, how is that done best? In the "Friends" area?
Comment by Scott Brown on July 30, 2009 at 7:15pm
Johann, my apologies for the confusion - the event will be starting in about 45 minutes. I'm glad you got your avatar and were in-world. I'd be happy to chat with you off-line more - and of course, I'll post the link for the presentation here tomorrow, and we're looking into more events in the near future.
Comment by Johann van den Heever on July 30, 2009 at 6:33pm
Thanx Scott.
Got my avatar, at the event coordinate. No one here, so I either have my time wrong, or need to learn a little more about Second Life. I am in front of Info Island Teleport board, but can not find the "auditorium". Going to bed now, but it was interresting. If I missed it, my apologies. I shall check in tomorrow. This is very important to me, as I am in a large insurance company, trying to convince the social aspect as the "heart" of tomorrow's business and not a hand out, but a partnership. Have a good one.
Comment by Scott Brown on July 30, 2009 at 9:16am
Johann - thank you for your interest - I really appreciate your comment, and I'll look into scheduling another session at a more convenient time for you (and other colleagues outside of North America). Stay tuned!
Comment by Johann van den Heever on July 30, 2009 at 5:19am
Hi Scott

As I reside in South Africa, the time for me to join your presentation is around 01:00 AM local time. I shall have to get into Second Life when I get home this afternoon for the first time as well, so shall try my best.

Looking forward to the event.

Kind Regards
Comment by Miguel Duarte Ferreira on July 29, 2009 at 5:58pm
Ahhhhh...I would love it but I will be at a Leonard Cohen concert and I cannot miss the greatest poet alive! Still, great subject and I would recommend to repeat it on another platform! Good luck and a great event!

Comment by Scott Brown on July 29, 2009 at 1:57pm
Hi everyone - thank you for your interest, and my apologies for the delay in responding! (I'm not getting notification for some reason.) Unfortunately this will be live in Second Life, so I don't think it will be recorded, but I'll double-check. The time given here is Second Life time (which translates to US Pacific time). My apologies for the confusion! (Next time I'll add a note to indicate what time zone - I don't think the Ning time setting allows for a choice of time zone, does it?)

And, I'm happy to chat with anyone interested in follow-up - will also let you know the presentation link when it's available.

If you haven't been in Second Life before this, definitely download the Second Life software, set up your avatar (at, and get in and play around. It takes a while to get used to. If you don't have the time prior to the session, I'd suggest skipping this one and keeping an eye out for future events! Arik and others, I'd be happy to help you get in-world individually (outside of this event) - and, maybe we'll do a webcast or something in the near future.
Comment by Arik Johnson on July 29, 2009 at 10:35am
Scott, are you recording this somehow? Feel free to post the video (or ask if you need some tech support).
Comment by Ulrich Houzanme (aka Tibaut) on July 29, 2009 at 8:43am
Timely subject. I will attend. Thanks!

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