Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Dear all,
I am wondering if you would recommend using Kaplan and Norton's strategy maps as CI framework.
It would be like reverse-engineering a competitor's strategic map. Has anyone ever done this?


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I was just wondering about this myself! Great discussion to add - I've never used it myself but surely there must be somebody here who has?
I have been incorporating strategy maps into my CI teaching and work with organisations since 2004. I proposed a Workshop for the 2005 SCIP Chicago Conference titled "Using Strategy Maps to Drive the CI Effort" but it was turned down. I was told that it was too advanced for the audience and they feared that it would not recruit enough delegates. As the full title of Kaplan & Norton's text illustrates "Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes". Isn't that what CI is all about? If CI practitioners do not know about strategy maps and their like, then it is no wonder that they lament at not being part of the decision making process. If we want CI to make its mark then the people involved need to ramp up their knowledge so that they are fit to sit at that table and make a real contribution, I would also suggest that familiarisation with John Prescott's Intelligence Drive Strategizing framework would be beneificial.

Brilliant Sheila - thanks - let me know if you ever want to try and produce that independently - I bet it would sell very well in fact. Perhaps we could co-produce a workshop in the UK sometime in 2010 together? I'd love to work with you in something like that Sheila!
Hello Folks

I recently developed a Strategy/MI function for a family of companies (also using K&N as our strategy documentation tool). We ended up with an MI/Strategy feedback loop - separating the two activities just didn't make sense. I would be happy to share more/participate in the generation of material on this.


I remember there was one presentation relevant to this topic in my opinion on SCIP 06 in London. It was presented by Mr. Carlo Alberto Carnevale-Maffe, from Bocconi University. I remember this since it was one of the best presentations in my opinion on that conference. If I recall right he did exactly what you are talking about here. He showed an example of doing this, the idea was to build a strategy map of the competitor company in order to be able to understand whether the company is building the resources that are overlapping with "ours" so that "we" could react on time or enter in some sort of partnership.
I remember his presentation too - great stuff!
Dear Sheila, Arik and Mislav, thank you for your answers. They are very helpful.
Sheila, count me in for support if you ever plan on doing a "CI meets strategy map" presentation.
I have looked for Mr. Carnevale-Maffe on this network, but he's not a member yet.
Just a point of interest, Military Intelligence uses "strategy maps" and network diagrams to determine strengths, formations and who communicates with who (called Network diagrams).

These strategy maps really do help you see the big picture and patterns spring up infront of you. As with everything you hope they are the right patterns!

Hope I am not been too simplistic!
I've started a mind map for this. Hope this helps. Mind Map
In Human Intelligence, I use " 6 Degrees of Separation " technique..

It helps one to connect the dots and understand networks in Counter Terrorism.

Same for OSINT, it helps you identify patterns and see the Big Picture.
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have recently started using this framework in our CI reports.
The best part is that it proves very useful in guiding CI thoughts. However, I find the model a bit shallow on the marketing mix part. Anybody using strategy maps out there? :)
I crafted one on behalf of our volunteer efforts for the UK Competitive Intelligence Forum in the UK - great aid to ensure that all our volunteer efforts were pulling in the right direction and a great aid to explain to others not as familiar with what we are trying to achieve...


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