Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Seeking Collaboration in Competitive Intelligence [Except France]


My friends Pierre Memheld and Ms Nicole Beauvais Schwartz have got us a French collaboration in Competitive Intelligence.

I would like collaborations with other leading academic programs around the World, for our MBA Competitive Intelligence & Corporate Warfare at Amity Institute of Competitive Intelligence, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, National Capital Region, India.

----- Vivek Raghuvanshi,

Views: 87

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Vivek,

Please feel free to be in touch with me at There may be some interesting opportunities between your institution and mine, based in Canada. Cheers.. Rob
Great Rob,

I will contact you tomorrow using my gmail ID.

Vivek Raghuvanshi
Hello Vivek,
Please write to me : and we will see the opportunities for both as I'm teaching in the Ono Academic College in Israel: Avner
Dear Vivek,

You may want to try my own institution, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. We are a major provider of Intelligence Courses for both private and public sphere (see example in attach), and we run several MBA and Master level programs.

If you come to the ECIS 2009 Conference you will meet with a number of leading CI academics around the world. See

All the best, Klaus

Some of my CI publications

Latest Book published 2009

An Introduction book to Intelligence Studies
Realizing the focus Counter-intelligence and vigilance ( ), [namely "As intelligence gathering becomes more widespread so will the techniques for restricting the outflow of information from companies (counter-intelligence)" ( )] you can count on me, naturally - through Multilingual Studies at a Distance ( ). :-)


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