Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Vivek Raghuvanshi's Blog (47)

Key Success Factors

Key Success Factors for Future Competitive Success

Key Success Factors [KSFs] could be:

1. Product attributes

2. Competencies

3. Competitive capabilities

4. Market achievements

Having greatest impact on future competitive success in the markets.

1. It could be technological expertise or scientific research in high technology industries such as pharmaceuticals or telecommunications.

2. It could be proven ability of an organisation to…


Added by Vivek Raghuvanshi on November 14, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Hostile Takeovers - Using OODA Loop in Competitive Intelligence

When a Corporate Raider attempts a hostile takeover of an organisation, we need to understand the interplay in the Quicksilver environment:

The Players:

1. White Knight

2. Black Knight

3. Gray Knight

4. Yellow Knight

Further when a Corporate Raider attempts Greenmailing or hostile takeover threat still persists, do we have options such as:

1. Moat

2. Golden Parachute

3. People Pill

4. Poison Pill

5. Lobster Trap

6. Killer…


Added by Vivek Raghuvanshi on November 14, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Key Intelligence Topics

I. Assessment of Strategies

A. Focused Differentiation

B. Best Cost

C. Differentiation

D. Low Cost

E. Focused Low Cost

F. Market Skimming

G. Market Penetration

H. Related Diversification

I. Unrelated Diversification

J. Backward Integration

K. Forward Integration

L. Horizontal Integration

II. Consumer Perceptions

A. Negative Moment of Truth

B. Positive Moment of Truth

C. Usage

D. Attitude



Added by Vivek Raghuvanshi on November 14, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions presents CORPORATE RISKS which has to be mitigated.

Success of merger / acquisition depends how we have actually prepared at:

1. Pre Merger stage

2. Post Merger stage

Pre Merger stage:

Here compatibility issues need to be addressed under :

A.Courtship phase

B. Evaluation and Negotiation phase

While we are looking at compatibility issues at during Courtship phase, have we looked at compatibility between…


Added by Vivek Raghuvanshi on November 12, 2009 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

Corporate Risks

Macro Risks of Globalisation [ Domino Effect ]

1. Retrenchment from globalisation

2. Oil & Gas spike

3. Infectious diseases in the Developing world

3. Trans-national crime and corruption

4. Chronic diseases of the Developed world

5. Middle East instability

6. Heatwaves and droughts

7. Natural catastrophy : cyclone, earthquake, extreme inland flooding

8. Interstate and civil wars

9. Fiscal crisis in advanced economies

10. Food…


Added by Vivek Raghuvanshi on November 11, 2009 at 6:30am — 3 Comments

AEROSPACE - 10 Billion Dollar Budget - Medium Multirole Combat Aircraft - Indian Air Force

Courtsey - Hudson Hawk

I will like to thank Hudson Hawk for permitting me to use the following Alert.

The Americans, Swedes, Russians and the French are at daggers drawn to retain Indian Air Force as their client.

Lockheed Martin F-16 IN Super Viper - Costs USD 50 Million

Boeing F/A - 18 Super Hornet - Costs USD 57… Continue

Added by Vivek Raghuvanshi on November 7, 2009 at 4:30am — 1 Comment


Dedicated to the band of brothers at International Technical Advisory Corps and friends at Corporate Risks

Addressing Macro Issues of Risks such as :

1. Middle East instability

2. Interstate & Civil Wars

3. Failed and failing states

4. International Terrorism

5. Collapse of NPT

Understanding Cross-Cultural Differences - Mitigating Risks of… Continue

Added by Vivek Raghuvanshi on November 1, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

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