Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Although we are making progress on the CI bibliography project, CI body of knowledge, and other aggregation channels, and in light of the fact that we no longer have a scholarly journal dedicted to competitive intelligence, it might be good for us to share what we are researching and where we are publishing articles, chapters, or books.

For example, I just had two papers written with longtime colleagues (and fellow CI Ning members) published that were in the CI area. Here are the details:


Fleisher, CS and D. Blenkhorn, "A comparison of teaching competitive intelligence to global audiences," Journal of Teaching in International Business (ISSN 0897-5930), 2010, 21(4), pp. 266-281.

Fleisher, C.S. and S. Wright, "Causes of competitive analysis failure: Understanding and responding to problems at the individual level," Journal of Strategic Marketing (0965-254X), 2010, 18(7), pp. 553-572.

I'm working on some continuing research into analysis at multiple levels scoped globally, as well as some economic gardening applications of CI. 

What are you working on? What have you published or presented of late? Care to share it with the rest of here in the CI Ning academic community?

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Great idea Craig - though I'm not publishing anything scholarly, I do try to keep up with reading much of it. Today we had a new user join - Isabel Santos - who has a nice list of recently published stuff on her blog:

Well-done Isabel! I took the liberty of repasting it here below, hoping you don't mind :-)

“Research and Design on Knowledge Management-Based Enterprise Competitive Intelligence System” (2010). Liu, T., Jiang, JY and Li, Y. Proceedings of International Forum on Technological Innovation and Competitive Technical Intelligence 2008: 187-190 2009. Peking Univ. Press.
“Competitive intelligence: Capturing a wider view” (2010). Lamont, Judith. KM World Nov. 2010, Vol. 19 Issue 10, p14-15.
“Competitive Intelligence programmes for SMEs in France: evidence of changing attitudes” (2010). Smith, Jamie R., Wright, Sheila and Pickton, David. Journal of Strategic Marketing Dec. 2010, Vol. 18 Issue 7, p. 523-536.
“Competitive Intelligence analysis failure: diagnosing individual level causes and implementing organisational level remedies” (2010). Fleisher, Craig S. and Wright, Sheila. Journal of Strategic Marketing Dec. 2010, Vol. 18 Issue 7, p. 553-572
“Web hyperlink patterns and the financial variables of the global banking industry” (2010). Vaughan, L and Romero-Frias, E. Journal of Information Science 36 (4): 530-541 Aug. 2010
“Regional Competitive Intelligence: Benchmarking and Policy-making” (2010). Huggins, R. Regional Studies, 44 (5): 639-658 2010.
“Learning Competitive Intelligence from a Bunch of Screwballs” (2010). Hiltbrand, Troy. Business Intelligence Journal 2010, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p8-16.
“Research on the User Behaviors in the Social Network Service (SNS) System Based on TAM Model and Perceived Risk” (2010). Li, D., Wu, XW and Lv, JH. Ninth Wuhan International Conference on E- Business, VOLS I-III : 187-194 2010. Alfred Univ.
“A hybrid dynamic pre-emptive and competitive neural-network approach in solving the multi-objective dispatching problem for TFT-LCD manufacturing” (2010). Yang, TH and Lu, JC. International Journal of Production Research, 48 (16): 4807-4828 2010.
“The Research on the Intelligence Training of Sanda Players” (2010). Zhou, CY., Xu, HH., Xie, H. and Yu, WB. Proceedings of the 21st Pan-Asian Congress of Sports and Physical Education. Vol. 4: 222-225 2010. World Acad. Union-World Acad.Press
“Information enhancement for interpreting competitive learning” (2010). Kamimura, Ryotaro. International Journal of General Systems Oct. 2010, Vol. 39 Issue 7, p705-728.
“Patterns of web linking to heterogeneous groups of companies The case of stock exchange indexes” (2010). Romero-Frias, E and Vaughan, L. Aslib Proceeding 62 (2): 144-164 2010.
“Environmental Turbulence and the Success of a Firm's Intelligence Strategy: Development of Research Instruments” (2010). Johannesson, Jokull and Palona, Iryna. International Journal of Management Dec2010, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p448-458.
“Capitalising on intelligence: converting input to output to insight and competitive advantage” (2010). Wright, Sheila. Journal of Strategic Marketing Dec2010, Vol. 18 Issue 7, p. 517-521.
“An adaptive ontology mapping approach with neural network based constraint satisfaction” (2010). Mao, M., Peng, YF and Spring, M. Journal of Web Semantics 8 (1): 14-25 Mar 2010
“Research on Business Intelligence-Based Customer Relationship Management” (2010). Zhao, HX., Yang, JP and He, MH. Ninth Wuhan International Conference on E-BUSINESS, VOLS I-III : 2381-2384 2010. Alfred Univ.
“Competitive Technical Intelligence. Methods and Tools, Application to Innovation, SMEs, Poles of Competitiveness, Research Institutions and Large Companies” (2009). Dou, H. Proceedings of International Forum on Technological Innovation and Competitive Technical Intelligence 2008: 155-170, 2009. Peking Univ. Press.
“Simon's theorem reconsidered - towards a theoretical framework for competitive intelligence” (2009). Frankelius, P. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 49-60 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Examining differences in competitive intelligence practice” (2009). Fleisher Craig S. and Wright, Sheila. Thunderbird International Business Review Volume 51, Issue 3 (2009-05-01), pp. 249-261.
“Signal Analysis: An Important Area for Studying Competitive Intelligence - A Brief Survey” (2009). Shen, GC. Proceedings of International Forum on Technological Innovation and Competitive Technical Intelligence 2008: 148-154 2009. Peking Univ. Press.
“How application integration, security issues and pricing strategies in business intelligence shape vendor differentiation” (2009). Soilen, KS and Hasslinger, A. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 252-260, 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Public Policy Evaluation Methods Used in CTI Evaluation-A Kind of Approach of CTI Evaluation Methods Study” (2009). Jiang, GX. Proceedings of International Forum on Technological Innovation and Competitive Technical Intelligence 2008: 178-18, 2009. Peking Univ. Press.
“The Human Factor and Competitive Intelligence: Resource, lever and key for success” (2009). Fray, AM. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 61-67 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“A Research on the CTI Process of the Internet Industry” (2009) Gang, L and Yi, L. Proceedings of International Forum on Technological Innovation and Competitive Technical Intelligence 2008: 171 -177. Peking Univ. Press.
“Marginalizing the periphery: enhancing competitive awareness by looking less hard” (2009). Neugarten, M. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 208-216, 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Can military education benefit from the study of competitive intelligence?” (2009). Danet, D. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium, Pág.:17 -23. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Research of Competitive Technical Intelligence Collection Based on Technology Transfer” (2009). Li, ZN and Xu, YL. Proceedings of International Forum of Technological Innovation and Competitive Technical Intlelligence 2008: 182-186 2009. Peking Univ. Press.
“Writing cases as a knowledge capture process in a competitive intelligence program” (2009). Mallowan, MM and Marcon, C. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 177-184, 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden
“Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Governance Issues for French Groups of Mutual Banks Facing the Financial Crisis” (2009). Malherbe, D. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 142-176, 2009. 23 Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Methodology to integrate Competitive Intelligence with the Hoshin Kanri planning system: Application to a Commercial Strategy”(2009). Narvaez, FL., Salvador, MR and Pino, JRAV. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 199-207, 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Economic Intelligence in Small and Medium Businesses in France: a survey” (2009). Larivet, S.ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 125-141 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Evaluating Business Intelligence Software - Testing the SSAV Model” (2009). Amara, Y., Soilen, KS., Jenster, P and Vriens, D. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium 238-251 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Knowing is action: from noticing to sense-making” (2009). Moinet, N and Frion, P. D. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 185-198 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden
“Looking for Information: a New Approach to Consider Efficiency and Effectiveness” (2009). Frion, P and Samier, H. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 68-87 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Operational Business Intelligence: A Viable Concept” (2009). van Roosmalen, M. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 261-273, 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Strategic Dependence of a Developing Country Vision from Patents” (2009). Dou, H., Dou, JM and Manullang, D. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium: 24-35, 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden.
“Tracking business news on the World Wide Web for dynamic CI study of industries” (2009). Gay, B. ECIS 2009: Third European Competitive Intelligence Symposium 101-113, 2009. 2009. Malardalen Univ. Sweden
I don't, of course.
Thank you Arik. 

This is great stuff. Thanks to both Isabel and Arik.

Isabel -- you have done something that points to a weakness in what we (including myself and various others who had worked to pull together the CI bibliographies housed with Sheila Wright at Leicester Business School and which formed the basis of our initial Wikification effort) had tried before, namely, capturing the outputs of substantive work presented at conferences. Having this information tends to provide much more timely access to  potentially valuable, emerging ideas than waiting for papers to go through review processes and ultimately come out in refereed article, chapter or book formats (fully recognizing the trade-offs inherent in quality peer-reviewing and associated improvement processes). This is something that would be of benefit to all of us if we could determine an effective means for capturing and disseminating the bulk of CI-related conference presentations/papers in the future. Any suggestions on how we might facilitate that possibility?

Well, as we can see there is a significant published academic/scientific CI work, wich is, unfortunately, very randonmed dispersed, I would say, in several scientific editorial products and events, over the course of these last years.

If there isn't, in fact, a specific CI Journal, it is expected that these accounts on emerging ideas, reported practices and academic research ended up published wher'ever they are welcomed.

And since CI or SI or another designation for this field (the 'apropriate designation ' of the field, it is another subject, that, in my believe we will have to get back to it again one day, because it is, yet, in my humble opinion, an 'unsolved' issue) but, as I said, since CI is strongly influenced by, let's say, 3 or 4 disciplines, any CI contribution can 'fit' on these specific 3 or 4 related disciplines types of journals.

How can we facilitate the capturing of this CI work, Craig? Well, I have to confess that I didn't give it a thought (a serious one) about this subject, yet. However, at least, on the long term, something must be done. For now, let me say that two specific things are correlated on this subject: the existence of a specific Journal, and (at the risk of repeating my self) something like the 'appropriated designation' of the field.  


Let me share with all of you, as well, that I've tried to make a 'first' list of some published CI work in 2008, for my blog again:

And just to finish, let me reminded you, that we have been talking here mainly about CI work published in english language. What about the other ones?

Best, IS

Craig.  You refer to an important subject.  Why, in fact, is there no longer "a scholarly journal dedicted to competitive intelligence"?  In my view, the 'loss' of SCIP's CIR was a tragedy.  I, for one, would be happy to contribute to the rebirth of a CIR.


I have published a handful of articles on competitive intelligence in The Wits Business School Journal, South Africa.  I'd be happy to provide PDF copies to anyone who may be interested.


Happy New Year!

Hi Douglas: Thanks for your willingness to share your articles. As we both know, a good number of CI concepts and thoughts have been developed and emanate from S. Africa, and the Wits B-School is internationally considered to be a leading centre for business and management thought. Would you be willing to list the titles of the articles you've contributed to their journal here for folks who might want to reach out t you directly to request specific ones?  Keep up the good work, Craig
Good to hear from you Craig!

And happy new Year 2011!

Yes, these are burning questions. I still have hope that the JCIM will reappear during the first 6 months of 2011, I know that Eduardo is doing his bit to make this happen, but if it does not 3 things will happen:

1. CI Scholars will publish in other Marketing, Strategy and Information-related journals, which there are many of
2. Some journals will try to fill the CI gap left by JCIM. One such is Journal Knowlege Organization (KO), which is quite well ranked on the ISI already
3. The CI term will loose much of its impcact, being more often substituted with Market Intelligence, Information Systems, DSS etc.

For 2010 I only had 1 article published on CI:

Solberg Søilen, K. (2010). Boosting Innovation and Knowledge through Delocalization: Market Intelligence at Trade Shows. Problems and Perspectives in Management, Iss 3, PP 200-208

I also had 2 article published from Conferences published in 2010:

Evaluating Business Intelligence Software - Testing the SSAV Model
Author(s): Amara Y (Amara, Yasmina), Soilen KS (Soilen, Klaus Solberg), Jenster P (Jenster, Per), Vriens D (Vriens, Dirk)
Editor(s): Hoppe M; Soilen KS; Hamrefors S
Times Cited: 0 References: 32 Citation Map
Conference Information: 3rd European Competitive Intelligence Symposium (ECIS 2009)
Stockholm, SWEDEN, JUN 11-12, 2009

How application integration, security issues and pricing strategies in business intelligence shape vendor differentiation
Author(s): Soilen KS (Soilen, Klaus Solberg), Hasslinger A (Hasslinger, Anders)
Editor(s): Hoppe M; Soilen KS; Hamrefors S
Times Cited: 0 References: 24 Citation Map
Conference Information: 3rd European Competitive Intelligence Symposium (ECIS 2009)
Stockholm, SWEDEN, JUN 11-12, 2009

I will continue to be involved with major CI Conferences with a clear academic track:

1. Next up is the SIIE 2011 in Marrakech in Ferbuary, where I will lead an international panel of experts, (you are most welcome to attend on the panel, Craig)
2. We also just completed an interesting 7 day long (Marathon) conference in Toulouse with the VSST 2010, which was excellent in that participants were closely tied to industry
3. Then there will be the ECIS 2011 in Bad Neuheim.

For my own part I continue to be actively involved with the new graduate schools in Cengdu, the Nordic International Management Institute. As you may know Volvo Cars was bought by a chinese last year, and next year they are building their biggest factory ever in Chengdu, to be completed in 1 year. Chendgu-Chongquing has quickly established itself as the industrial center of the world.

What I fear is that the US community of Scholars will be disparsed if the JCIM does not reappear soon. Some will be absorbed by other conferences, especially at SIIE where is ALL IN ENGLISH this year. But many may also simply move over to other fields.

By the way, I will be in New York on January 15-17 if anybody is around to talk. If not I hope to see you at a conference soon.



Fantastic stuff you have been doing Klaus. Happy new year to you as well.

I share your concern about the prolonged absence of an academic journal dedicated, at least in part, to the field. As I have been on record stating many times, I challenge anybody out there to name a field or long-standing career domain that has achieved legitimacy in the absence of well-respected academic journals? Along those same lines, name a profession that has achieved its status in the absence of a critical mass of scholars and scholarly outlets? What profession can stand the test of time in the absence of the improvement and evolution that comes out of people seeking to describe and explain new concepts/methods/theories, challenge existing but outdated orthodoxies, create new innovations in thinking about modes of practice, etc.? 


The CI field, however you choose to define it, fundamentally benefits from quality academic/scholarly research and researchers, as well as a respected and rigorously reviewed journal. Key in making this happen is meeting the following minimum requirements: 1) the will (desire) of a critical mass of members in this (or associated) communities to commit to participating in various parts of the process, 2) resources (i.e., financial, human, institutional, and technical, among them), and 3) a pipeline (supply) of both researchers and research, to make it a reality. We have had these items converge for short periods in the past, and I remain optimistic that doing this successfully over a prolonged period is not outside of the realm of good possibility among our global community.

I'm willing to accept the possibility that I am wearing "rose coloured glasses" or am deluded into believing it is possible to sustain a quality scholarly Ci-related journal. There are good reasons why our efforts in the past have not been able to sustain success and I have the history and level of association to recount many, if not most of them, for those who are interested. Maybe, just maybe, we are doomed to repeat past mistakes, or is this effort akin to Don Quixote tilting at windmills? I hope some of our colleagues will discuss this in future entries.

The kind of active involvement you have demonstrated Klaus is what we need more of. Maybe at some point, possibly even here among our Ning community members as a starting point, we can develop a steering group of people to put together another "go" at a journal. I will provide any support I can offer to help make it a reality.

Thanks again for caring about the field. That is the thing, ultimately, that will likely be the prime determinant as to whether we can break through as an accepted discipline or profession some day. Right now, it appears the "odds" are against us.


Thanks for this Craig.  It was the very same topic we discussed with Sheila Wright and its integration with the UK Competitive Intelligence Forum website to ensure that its value is recognised and acted upon....

Hi guys,

Couldn't resit adding my list to this discussion.  Looking forward to seeing all of this consolidated onto the Intel Collab wiki soon.  This year, the Journal of Strategic Marketing offered a special issue of papers submitted to the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference.  Selection was made on the scores received from the blind review process.  The SI was published in December 2010.  Until we have a "home" this is likely to be the best option for CI work.  I agree with Craig's sentiments that we need to capture the conference papers but unfortunately this means we have to rely on authors telling us about them as not all proceedings are easily available.  My entries from 2007 onwards are shown below so we just need the rest of the academic community to do the same.  I have repeatedly asked authors to tell me of their publication citations so that additions can be made to the Scholarship listings but this forum seems to have garnered a better response so let's keep it up!!  Sheila



Refereed Journal Articles


J R Smith, S Wright & D W Pickton (2010), ‘Competitive Intelligence Programmes for SMEs in France: Evidence of Changing Attitudes’, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol 18, No 7, pp 523-536


C S Fleisher & S Wright (2010), 'Competitive Intelligence Analysis Failure: Diagnosing Individual Level Causes and Implementing Organisational Level Remedies’, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol 18, No 7, pp 553-572


S Wright (2010), ‘Why Bad Things Happen to Good Research Ideas:  A Salutary Lesson in Misplaced Confidence?’, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Vol 9, No 4, pp 399-410


S Wright (2010), ‘Capitalising on Intelligence: Converting Input to Output to Insight and Competitive Advantage’, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol 18, No 7, pp 517-521


S Wright, E R Eid & C S Fleisher (2009), ‘Competitive Intelligence in Practice: Empirical Evidence from the UK Retail Banking Sector’, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol 25, No 9/10, pp 941-964

Selected for this Special Conference Issue as a Top Ten paper from  350 submissions


C S Fleisher & S Wright (2009), ‘Examining Differences in Competitive Intelligence Practice: China, Japan and the West’, Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol 51, No 3, pp 249-261


C S Fleisher, S Wright & H T Allard (2008), ‘The Role of Insight Teams in Integrating Diverse Marketing Information Management Techniques’, European Journal of Marketing, Vol 42, No 7/8, pp 836-851


J L Calof & S Wright (2008), ‘Competitive Intelligence:  A Practitioner, Academic and Inter-Disciplinary Perspective’, European Journal of Marketing, Vol 42, No 7/8, pp 717-730


C S Fleisher, S Wright & R Tindale (2007), ‘Bibliography and Assessment of Key Intelligence Scholarship: Part 4 (2003 – 2006)’  Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management, Vol 4, No 3, pp 32-92


Refereed Conference Papers


A P Duffy, S Wright & L Cesta (2010), ‘What Role can Growth Curves play in Forecasting with Particular Reference to Technology Strategy?’, Fifty-Ninth International Wire & Cable Connectivity Symposium, Rhode Island, USA


J R Smith, S Wright & D W Pickton (2010), ‘Competitive Intelligence as Public Policy in France: Making a Difference in the SME Sector’, Academy of Marketing Conference, Competitive Intelligence, Analysis & Strategy Track, Coventry, UK

Best Paper in Track Prize Winner sponsored by Journal of Strategic Marketing


S Wright, E R Eid & C S Fleisher (2009), ‘Empirical Study of Competitive Intelligence Practice: Evidence from UK Retail Banking’, Academy of Marketing Conference, Competitive Intelligence, Analysis & Strategy Track, Leeds, UK

 Best Paper in Track Prize Winner sponsored by European Journal of Marketing  


C S Fleisher & S Wright (2009), ‘Causes of Competitive Analysis Failure:  Understanding and Responding to Problems at the Individual Level’, European Competitive Intelligence Symposium (ECIS), Stockholm, Sweden


S Wright, C S Fleisher & E Madden (2008), ‘Characteristics of Competitive Intelligence Practice in R&D Driven Firms:  Evidence from the UK Pharmaceutical Industry’, European Business Research Forum (EBRF), Finland


C S Fleisher & S Wright (2008), ‘The Marketing Analyst’s Continuum Positioning Approach to Developing Pragmatic Insight’, Academy of Marketing Conference,  Marketing Education Track Aberdeen, UK


C S Fleisher & S Wright (2008), ‘Setting the Standards for the Professionalisation of Competitive Intelligence Practice’, European Competitive Intelligence Symposium (ECIS), Lisbon, Portugal


C S Fleisher & S Wright (2008), Selecting, Engaging and Enhancing In-House Analysts’, Twenty Third Annual International Conference, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, Academic/Scholarly Track, San Diego, USA


H T Allard, C S Fleisher & S Wright (2007), ‘Integrating Diverse Marketing Information Management Techniques’, Academy of Marketing Conference, Qualitative Inquiry in Marketing Track, Royal Holloway, UK




I have published a significant number of articles, mainly in CIM. I would like to give a link to my recent article - 'Intelligence failures: competitive intelligence and strategic surprises'- If you do not have an access to SCIP - I'm ready to send a PDF.




Hello Craig,


I’ve read your book, articles and posts on this subject at this site. I completely agree with your CI appraisal. Also I agree that CI will survive and will develop but in case if its science (research) basis will be developed as well. It is the law for each discipline.


I confirm your point of view re open groups supervision CI in Linkedin. These groups are research one of the most fast grown groups in Linkedin. At the same time it is one of the most passive groups as concerns new subjects and its’ discussion. We need new technologies and methods but it can be born only by researches.


I don’t think you see everything through "rose coloured glasses". The magazine you write about is very useful for researchers and CI users to whom I belong.


I’m ready to participate in group to create this magazine.  One of the most complicated issue is  to reveal already existing critical researches re this subject. I can help with it.


No doubt that there is an audience for such magazine. Analyze of the publications in not specialized CI media shows there are  enough authors from different countries. The main two issues can be solved. All the rest it is subject not of resources, but of organization and authority of the person/group of persons who will lead this process. Our discussion showed that there are people who will participate in this project.





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