Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Webinar: A scientific journal for the study of Competitive Intelligence

Inspired by a recent discussion in the Academics Group of this community I proudly invite interested community members to join us for a live session! Complementary access will be provided upon registration. I'd be grateful to collect your comments and foward them to the actual event! Thanks to those you helped to make it happen!

Expert talk, April 7th 2011, 13:00-14:00 GMT+1

Questions posed include: Why does the Competitive Intelligence Community need a dedicated, scientific Journal? How do we continue the process already started? Who is willing to get involved and to what extent? The last academic CI Journal, the Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management (JCIM) was cancelled in 2008. Since then various attempts have been made to initiate a new journal.
This expert talk will try to define the status quo and form an agenda for a new journal project. As this topic is of interest to a global community of CI scholars and practitioners, a complementary life web access for up to 100 visitors will be provided.

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Dr Klaus Solberg Søilen

Expert Panel:

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Very much looking fowrard to this Rainer - should be a fine discussion - I'll share with all the members of the network here as well as on Twitter and Facebook.

This sounds interesting, does anyone know if any electronice versions of previous journal are available as food for thought?



I just collected ten available exemplars of JCIM. You'll find them in the attached file. If any one have the missing exemplars, I'm interested in it.



Hi Loïc,
I have tried to access your .rar file but got an error message any chance to share again or through another 'channel'?
I'll have a look at my exemplars and if I have some you do not have I'll send them to you.
Thank you in advance.

on my computer, it's ok. So I'll put the files in different emails



see attached files
see attached files

That's all.

Thanks to send me other exemplars If it's possible.





This is a sad and troubling issue. The new and very welcome JISIB initiative follows directly from the way this unfolded and was handled.

As in so many things, it all depends who you ask, and no less importantly whom you believe. My suggestion would be that you look at what appears to some of us to be a "merger" (sellout?) between the so-called Frost & Sullivan Institute (part of F&S - a profit-making enterprise) and SCIP (apparently a non-profit professional organization). This occurred (coincidentally?) soon after the journal was put into abeyance, after a badly-communicated announcement that the journal's activities were put on hold while a committee was sitting to decide on its future ...

The whole journal and merger issue, and the way these were (mis)handled and communicated by SCIP, were, for me, a deciding factor in my no longer renewing my membership.

I suggest you do a little CI on the issue, and you may begin to uncover what happened, and why.

This is the second such journal that SCIP has buried, and it seems (to me at least) that they are not terribly interested in having such a journal - preferring to go down a (much) more commercial road, though why the one precludes the other, you will have to ask SCIP.





Looking forward to it.

We NEED a proper journal rather than a membership magazine, if CI is ever going to be taken seriously in academia.

I've heard comments from some people that CI is not a proper professional subject BECAUSE there is no recognised research journal.

Finally a complementary video clip of this session is available for all those who want to get up to speed with the Journal initiative. Check out: 


I like this session as it nicely summarizes the history of scientific CI journals. References to journals of similar disciplines and Q&A about the way ahead help to focus on the next steps in setting up a new journal.


Any comments appreciated!

To visit the new journal site, see

Have a great summer!




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