Competitive Intelligence

Tactical, Operational & Strategic Analysis of Markets, Competitors & Industries

Sales and Marketing Intelligence


Sales and Marketing Intelligence

Sales and marketing are some of the best sources of CI, and are often overlooked. Let's share stories and best practices.

Members: 118
Latest Activity: Dec 2, 2021

Discussion Forum

Excellent Article: Knowing Why You Lose Won’t Always Help You Win: Sales and Marketing Intelligence

Started by Johannes Deltl. Last reply by Ellen Naylor Aug 4, 2014. 4 Replies

I recently came across an article written by Allen Armstrong, that I want to share with the Sales and Marketing Group. It questions the focus of many Win-Loss Programs (which are in general to much…Continue

Tags: win-loss

CI software that works with

Started by Ellen Naylor Mar 7, 2014. 0 Replies

Hi,It's been a while since I posted on this forum. I was in school for the last year learning about health and nutrition, and am now a certified health coach. I ramble.I want to share a new software…Continue

Tags:, win loss analysis, sales intelligence, Compelligence, CI software

Getting Action from Win/Loss

Started by Ellen Naylor. Last reply by Marcel Brussee Aug 21, 2012. 1 Reply

This is just a short post, but it is something that frustrates me as a doer of win/loss analysis. I feel like customers and non-customers give us great intelligence and ideas on things we can fix and…Continue

Tags: actionable intelligence, make people accountable, win/loss analysis, win/loss

12 Tippers to Guarantee Your Success in Collecting Intelligence from Sales

Started by Ellen Naylor Feb 28, 2012. 0 Replies

Recently I gave a webinar for SCIP chapters in Mercyhurst and Ohio on how to capture competitive intelligence from Sales by using cooperative intelligence skills. I love serving Sales Reps since I…Continue

Tags: cooperative intelligence, ROI benefit, Mercyhurst, competitive intelligence, SCIP

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Comment by Miguel Duarte Ferreira on April 28, 2011 at 7:26am
Ellen - Intriguing? Well...yes but in the end it is a question of how productive one want's to be or 'let us stop being insane' and let us start doing it or not :-)

Babette - Thank you. My pleasure!
Comment by Babette Bensoussan on April 20, 2011 at 5:24pm
Love the way Seth constantly challenges the status quo - especially in my thinking! Thank you Miguel - definitely food for thought.
Comment by Ellen Naylor on April 20, 2011 at 5:06pm
I find Seth's blogs intriguing, especially this one. Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't waste so much time both in the process of selling and "being sold" to as he proposes!
Comment by Miguel Duarte Ferreira on April 20, 2011 at 6:20am
Comment by Miguel Duarte Ferreira on April 18, 2011 at 10:20am
Rise of 'Generation C' Blurs Lines Between Marketing, Sales for P&G

'Early Warning' for Sales and Marketing? Or already a trend?
Comment by Ellen Naylor on March 17, 2011 at 10:47am
Thanks for sharing...this is a very detailed survey and takes a while to fill out. It's geared to large companies based on the level of technology questions and software solutions queried about, although some are absent. I finally printed out From a Good Sales Call to Great Sales. I will review it and wanted to read it before I give an AMA workshop in the value proposition of integrating Sales & Marketing on Apr 6 in Chicago Strategic Sales Integration: Driving Top-Line Revenue
Comment by Miguel Duarte Ferreira on March 15, 2011 at 12:31pm
Aberdeen Group is promoting two initiatives around Sales Intelligence.

1) Survey -

2) Webinar -

Comment by Anna F. Shallenberger on October 1, 2010 at 2:20pm
Knowledge Management for Competitive Intel Class [online] starting Monday
Comment by Music Lover - SM on September 29, 2010 at 1:55pm
I agree Ellen
Your analysis is very close to what I have always encountered in the companies I've worked for, even the 'wall' between them and CI...
people always think that it's not their business, and the less work or trouble - THE BEST!
We must call it other thing not to scare or disturb the persons in Sales, Purchasing and so on.
Aproaching them after working hours and ask "how are things going?" sometimes gives us more than asking in the office in working hours.
At least it worked for me
Comment by Ellen Naylor on September 29, 2010 at 2:03am
Ari: I think procurement, I assume you mean purchasing, can give Sales an idea of what the competition is buying and how it compares to what your company is buying. For example, the components that make up yours versus the competitor's products. Purchasing often buys things from the same suppliers from the competition, so they have a different rumor mill than does Sales, so that is valuable too. An off hand remark like...gee you know the competition isn't buying this widget from us anymore...I wonder what's up?

Those are the key things I think Sales might value, since they can learn how low the competition can go in price before they start losing money. I used to sit next to the purchasing folks in my company and they didn't want anything to do with me when I did CI. So it really depends on the company as to if/how people in marketing/sales have anything to do with purchasing.

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